About 2048 Game

2048 is an easy and fun puzzle game. Even if you don't love numbers you will love this game. It is played on a 4x4 grid using the arrows or W, A, S, D keys alternatively. Every time you press a key - all tiles slide. Tiles with the same value that bump into one-another are merged. Although there might be an optimal strategy to play, there is always some level of chance. If you beat the game and would like to master it, try to finish with a smaller score. That would mean that you finished with less moves.


All revenue from advertising on this website will be used to buy back 2048 token every month. You can only sell when you hold more than 2048 tokens, 5% of sell fee will be converted to a reward for the person who completes the game in the shortest time, please record a video of your screen when you play and upload to youtube.

How to play the 2048 Game?

  1. Join the tiles

    Start by moving the tiles to one corner of the square. Placing tiles together in the same corner gives you a better chance of moving tiles with the same number closer together. You can use one of the four corners of the box: top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right. Join the tiles
  2. Combine tiles with mostly small numbers

    Start with tiles with small numbers. Let tiles with higher numbers stay in one corner while you combine tiles with lower numbers. Keep combining small value squares until you reach your goal. Combine tiles with mostly small numbers
  3. Don't put tiles with large numbers in the center

    Never keep high value tiles in the center. This will make it harder for you to merge other tiles because your higher numbered tile will block other lower numbered tiles that appear. Therefore, try to keep tiles with higher numbers in one corner while you combine tiles with smaller numbers. Don't put tiles with large numbers in the center